I’m Pam, the Aesthetic Junkie and host of the Medical Spa Marketing Show Podcast!
I work with Medical Aesthetic Practices when it comes to all things digital marketing. I’ve done it all, whether it’s being found on Google (SEO), you need a new website, setting up analytics to driving traffic from social media (TikTok is my fav btw!) and sending traffic from ads (Google, FB, IG etc).
Paid traffic (ads) is where it all started for me and it’s still the number 1 go to source to start, grow or scale practices BUT you need to have the rest of the puzzle pieces to get success out of paid traffic. It’s why so many people say ‘I tried Facebook ads and they don’t work’, let me tell you friend that is not true!
And if that means I am the person who has to be in front of the camera showcasing a treatment well c’est la vie!
It’s all worth it when you see the results in the DMs and Bookings!
And I HATE being on camera, for someone who is obsessed with aesthetics it’s not about taking selfies, recording content etc it’s just for me BUT I will do what it takes!
A Lil Bit About Me!
I mean isn’t it Obvious!?
Probably same reason as you! If I could go back in time, I would have changed career paths…not sure if it would be an aesthetic practitioner or head down the road of plastics.
When I went to school it was all about online business and the Celtic Tiger had not yet crashed (but did before I finished school) so no one had an interest in wanting a website built, writing programs that would manage reservation systems and shopping carts from scratch. There was no such thing as drag and drop builders for website like Wix, Squarespace…it was line after line of coding! Yikes aging myself here 🙂
I found my way to where I belong and I LOVE getting aesthetic treatments even when it involves looking like a crazy person. I will turn up on zoom post laser, prp, morpheus ha! And now wearing a facemask is the norm it helps when leaving the clinic #winning!
My work besties:
Book a 30-minute strategy call to discover exactly what’s working now for aesthetic practices in 2025. You’ll leave with clarity on your next steps – whether we work together or you implement on your own.
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